Blog Selling Ads Directly

Below are articles within Selling Ads Directly category on AdSpeed ad server website:
  • Why sell your ad space directly to advertisers?
    "Let’s imagine for a moment that you have created a website that is really starting to take off in terms of the number of visitors it receives. It is at this point that you should really start thinking about ways to monetize your site without affecting the quality of the space. " More
  • How can publishers improve relationships with their advertisers?
    "In order to be successful in any sort of business venture, you need to be adept at fostering positive relationships with everyone that you deal with. Too many people make the mistake of focusing on the customer and forgetting that the supplier is responsible for delivering the items that those people want. " More
  • When can you sell ads directly to advertisers?
    "One of the best aspects of having advertising on your website is when you reach a certain point, you can sell ads directly to the advertisers. There is no set amount of traffic that you need to hit in order to make that leap, as some advertisers will require you to have a larger audience than others. " More
  • Five challenges with selling ads on your website directly to advertisers
    "One of the major benefits of having a successful website is the ability to sell advertising space on your pages. There is definitely money to be made in doing so, but it can be difficult to get the advertisers you want. " More
  • Five ideas for publishers to help their advertisers
    "If your goal is to land advertisers and keep them coming back for more, you need to be able to deliver outstanding customer service. The fact of the matter is that advertisers essentially have unlimited choices available to them for online advertising because there are sure to be countless publishers out there looking to sell space on their websites. " More
  • Advantages of podcast ad serving
    "It wasn’t so very long ago that there were only a handful of podcasts out there, but in recent years, they have exploded in popularity. The number of active podcasts is now in the millions, with that number growing daily. " More
  • Effects of a global pandemic on ad serving
    "We all expect to get sick at some point, as that is just a natural part of life, but what we don’t always expect is a new virus to appear for which there is, as of yet, no cure. These viruses lead to a global pandemic where we see entire countries grind to a sudden halt, with people staying indoors until the virus has run its course before slowing down. " More
  • Ad serving and geopolitical uncertainties
    "When running a business, especially an online business that operates globally and relies on ad serving, it is a good idea to keep up with current affairs around the world. While every business owner would like to be in a situation where the geo-political climate doesn’t affect them at all. " More
  • Ad serving and geo-political uncertainties (part 2)
    "Sanctions, especially economic sanctions, affect many companies directly and indirectly. If your business serves sanctioned markets and/or sanctioned clients then you will feel the impact directly. " More
  • Five benefits of ad networks and ad exchanges
    "The average website owner is always looking for ways to generate a steady stream of income from their websites. Adding online advertising to their sites is a great way to make some additional revenue, but it can take time build up a list of clients and come up with ad rates that make site monetization worth it in the first place. " More
  • Should you offer self-service advertising on your website? (part 2)
    "If you want more control and more revenue from ads shown on your site, you should consider running a self-service advertising system for your site. This option is great for publishers with high quality sites that are desirable and attractive to advertisers. " More
  • Advantages of a self-service ad serving program for publishers
    "Let’s say that you have a website with quality content and good traffic. You want to start making some money from publishing ads. " More
  • Security issues with ad serving
    "In the world of online advertising, there is a lot of money to be made for both publishers and advertisers, which is why so many are keen to get in on the act. There are also countless ad serving companies out there who are making the process of connecting advertisers and publishers that much easier. " More
  • Serving ads on a hobby or niche website
    "When you decide that you want to start running ads on your website, a decision needs to be made about which ads to show. You need to show ads that are relevant to your audience, as that tends to make advertising on your pages a little easier for your visitors to accept. " More
  • Popular ways to monetize your website
    "It is entirely possible, not to mention affordable, to easily create a website and have it up and running in a matter of hours. It is the creation of a site that is the easy part, especially with so many site builders out there that are incredibly user-friendly. " More
  • 5 ways to earn more advertising revenue
    "Increasing ad earnings is an important goal for website owners that want to monetize their traffic through advertising. By generating more revenue from advertising, businesses can offset the costs of running their websites, spend more on content generation, marketing and even turn a profit. " More
  • What to advertise during an economic downturn?
    "In an ideal world, everyone would have a large amount of disposable income available to them so that they could buy whatever their heart desired. This would also be great for advertisers, as their job would become that much easier. " More
  • What to do when your website is showing a wrong ad or is not showing an expected ad?
    "As a publisher, encountering the wrong ad showing on your site or finding a missing ad can be a frustrating and worrisome experience. Publishers must take proactive measures to prevent and address these issues promptly to protect their reputation, maintain user trust, and ensure the long-term success of their online businesses. " More
  • Issues with online ad serving
    "When you are trying to market your business, there are several different advertising avenues available to you. Online advertising has become incredibly popular, and for very good reasons. " More
  • Tips to improve ad viewability
    "An ad impression does not tell the whole story. The traditional definition of an impression is very broad. " More